18 December 2023
You know you have to worry about the sun and what its UV rays are doing to destroy the collagen and elastin in your skin. That’s what makes consistent SPF usage a no-brainer. But have you considered everything else to which your face is subjected to as soon as you step into the great outdoors? If you haven’t, it’s time to start thinking about the effects the environment, climate, temperature, humidity and pollution can have on your skin. It’s called external aging and it affects your skin’s outer layers, depleting it of much-needed moisture, attacking the skin barrier, and worse, making your skin looking unhealthy and older. Thanks to Pour Moi, the world’s first Climate-Smart skincare brand, there’s finally a line that addresses these concerns, instead of focusing on skin type, and utilizes key ingredients to combat each climate’s specific conditions. Here’s what you need to know, and how the best anti-aging face cream can help.