The Beauty Forecast®


Skincare Ingredients
White Truffle: Food for the Skin

The White Truffle is literally golden on the outside, and it might as well be gold on the inside. It’s an amazing, beauty-boosting, naturally occurring gift that should...

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Safe Beauty
Skincare Ingredients
Pour Moi is Among the Best Cruelty-Free Skincare Brands

Pour Moi is working to help eliminate the industry’s practice of testing on animals. Pour Moi doesn’t stop there. Along with being cruelty-free, Pour Moi is also a...

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Skincare Ingredients
5 Reasons Why the Best Skincare Product Ingredients Provide Long-Term Benefits

High-quality, climate-smart ingredients plus a safe and effective bottle to cap it all off, equals happy skin. It's the kind of result you can expect from Pour Moi!

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Day Cream
Skincare Ingredients
Best Face Moisturizers: 6 Reasons Why They Have Antioxidants

Antioxidants are like the unsung heroes of skincare. Powerful anti-agers such as retinol and peptides get all the glory for their ability to visibly reverse skin damage caused...

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Skincare Ingredients
8 Skin Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Oranges get all the credit for the immune-boosting powers of Vitamin C, but your skincare should be packing some seriously nourishing vitamins. Vitamin C is a remarkable skincare...

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Science of Skin
Skincare Ingredients
Can Your Skin Be Vitamin Deficient?

We know how essential vitamins are for our bodies. We hear a lot about vitamins C and D for immune health, especially during the past couple of years...

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Day Cream
Skincare Ingredients
Best Skincare for Wrinkles: The Power of White Truffle

Antioxidants, peptides and botanicals, including white truffle, are some of the ingredients used in the best skin care for wrinkles.

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Skincare Ingredients
Botanical Skincare Ingredients Can Play a Big Role in Protecting Skin from Your Climate

Let's explore a few of Pour Moi Skincare's most potent natural additives, a brief explanation of what they can do for your face—and the products in which you’ll...

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Science of Skin
Skincare Ingredients
Best Skin Brighteners: White Truffle is the new White-Hot Ingredient

White truffle contains some other tricks up its sleeve to make skin appear brighter, firmer, and more hydrated. Here, the many reasons that it’s more than just one...

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Science of Skin
Skincare Ingredients
Paraben Free Skincare Brands: Here’s Why Complete Transparency on Product Ingredients is So Important

Paraben free skincare brands are educating consumers about what’s really happening when our body’s biggest organ absorbs many of these commonly used chemicals… and the news is not...

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Science of Skin
Skincare Ingredients
Pour Moi Uses Hyaluronic Acid Differently

Pour Moi’s complex Réponse du Climat utilizes Hyaluronic Acid in varying molecule sizes so this powerful, water-holding ingredient works in your favor ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE.

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Climate Conscious
Skincare Ingredients
Squalane vs. Squalene (And Why Do My Facial Products Need It?)

Squalene and Squalane are both exceptional hydrating ingredients with nearly identical spellings (save one vowel). They also boast antioxidant and antibacterial benefits, help regulate and stabilize your skin’s...

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