Day Cream

Top Face Moisturizers: 5 Reasons Why They Need to Address Climate

Top Face Moisturizers: 5 Reasons Why They Need to Address Climate
Pour Moi Skincare

18 December 2023

Everywhere you turn, there’s a product claiming to be one of the top face moisturizers. But chances are, most of them are making promises based on what’s really the equivalent of an old wives’ tail: That skin should be moisturized and hydrated based on skin type… while completely ignoring the role of climate.

Table of contents
Climate can dictate how the moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients in top face moisturizers are absorbed.
Your face is even more temperature-sensitive than your body.
Most signs of dryness (dullness, irritation, fine lines) are actually the result of dehydration.
Humidity is a major factor in skin health.
Your environment is your single greatest cause of aging symptoms, and science proves it.

Call us fed up, but after so many years of spending endless amounts of money on so-called top face moisturizers that don’t seem to do a thing—or skipping moisturizer entirely because we’ve been branded with “oily” skin and are terrified that the smallest hint of cream will throw our slick skin into a frenzy of pimples and oversized pores—we are over the idea that the only thing that affects what our skin needs to look and feel its best is it’s “type.” Here, the five reasons we say climate is more important in finding the top face moisturizer.

Climate can dictate how the moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients in top face moisturizers are absorbed.

Did you know that important skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid can actually cause dehydration when there’s no moisture in the atmosphere for the molecules to grab onto? It’s true. Instead, the humectant will look inward, grabbing moisture from within the skin to circulate it to the surface. The result: A big moisture fail that you’re probably paying a big chunk of change for when shopping for top face moisturizers. Pour Moi Day Creams contain three sizes of hyaluronic acid molecules to help your outer skin absorb water for optimal hydration. The three sizes smartly work by switching on the small molecules in dry climates to absorb water from what you drink, while the medium and large size molecules kick into high gear in humid climates to catch the moisture from the air. The skin on your face is even more sensitive to temperature than your body.

Your face is even more temperature-sensitive than your body.

In fact, the biological thermometers and thermostats in your body are located in your face (actually, in your T-zone). So doing the moisturizing equivalent of wearing Uggs to the beach in the summer is going to feel just as bad for your face as it would your feet. Pour Moi Day Creams are each specially formulated to adjust to temperature and humidity shifts in each particular climate. If you live in an area that maintains roughly the same temp and humidity level all year long, stick with the Pour Moi Day Cream that best matches your climate (Polar, Tropical, Desert, or Temperate). If you live in a place with distinct seasons like the Northeast, which is known for harsh, dry winters, hot, humid summers, and mild springs and falls, switch up your cream when the weather changes. Just like your wardrobe.

Most signs of dryness (dullness, irritation, fine lines) are actually the result of dehydration.

Yes, you read correctly. And this happens when your skin isn’t absorbing enough water from the atmosphere—like if you’re living in low humidity. What’s not the culprit? Naturally dry skin—oil and water are two completely different things, and when your skin is lacking in water, it’ll show the symptoms even if your naturally born skin type produces more oil. A Japanese study tracked volunteers as they smiled in a room that had a humidity level of either 10 percent or 80 percent. They used special technology to see how the expression of smiling caused their skin to fold. The faces of volunteers in the dry (low-humidity) rooms were stiffer. Their folds weren’t just more pronounced while they smiled, but remained that way after their faces relaxed. Since most moisturizers don’t address these climate factors, your skin may constantly feel dry no matter how many products you slather on. What’s more, the skin you believe is oily may just be dehydrated skin that’s triggering itself to produce more oil to make it smoother. If you’re living in a dry climate, your oil glands sense the lack of moisture in the atmosphere and go into overdrive to try to compensate for that dryness. Unfortunately for your complexion, that often means an overzealous production of oil and sebum. While the skin is acting to protect itself, it tends to forget that too much of a good thing (sebum/moisture) can actually be a bad thing. Rebalancing means reaching for the right moisturizer, which will calm oil glands.

Humidity is a major factor in skin health.

The skin naturally prefers some moisture in the air–but it’s the extreme levels of humidity that throw off the balance of skin. Pour Moi’s Temperate Day Cream is for times when you don’t even feel humidity (actually, you think it’s a perfect day—not too dry, not too moist). In the summer, the temperature and humidity are both extreme, and we formulated moisturizers to prepare you for both ends of the spectrum. Excessive humidity in a hot climate can result in excessive oil production, leading to clogged pores and breakouts – which is why climate energized beautifiers (CEBs) like Coconut Acid are vital to keeping pores clear and helping excess moisture evaporate off of skin. When temps are super high and there’s plenty of sun exposure, even humidity isn’t enough to save your skin from dehydration. Oil production gets turned on, and a lighter moisturizer is best to keep skin from feeling overwhelmed by the moisture from the atmosphere. Tropical Day Cream gives the skin exactly what it needs to restore balance - better than most of the top face moisturizers on the market.

Your environment is your single greatest cause of aging symptoms, and science proves it.

Yes, you can blame—or thank—you mama for the DNA that programs you with a certain amount of fine lines, wrinkles, and a host of other skin issues. But the genetic predisposition is nothing compared to environmental factors like climate, pollution, and shifts in temperature. Scientists have actually studied the skin of twins to see what contributes to one looking significantly older than the other (even though they have the same genetics). Those in hotter climates with more sun had older-looking skin. Focusing on your climate (instead of your skin type) by using Pour Moi products will turn back the clock on your skin, and prevent future climate-induced damage from occurring. They’re rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, which protect your skin from free radicals caused by UV damage, and they contain a unique blend of peptides and botanicals, particularly White Truffle, which improves the skin’s surface and erases early signs of aging. When you use Pour Moi’s 3-step ritual (Hydrating Balancer, Serum and Day Cream), each layer adds a boost of hydration, nutrients and protection for your skin from environmental aggressors. Once you try Pour Moi, your search for top face moisturizers will be over - because you'll have found the climate-smart holy grail.